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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


My last two posts have been rants. While I typically enjoy 90% plus of my day, I find the remaining 10% fun to write about. I will be warm and fuzzy next time, I almost promise.

This afternoon I went to a reputably snooty department store to purchase a select few items. I am always open to see what else I may be tempted to buy and more often than not, I do. I'm a sucker for clothes and beauty products. I walked through the section from where I typically find essentials- quality cotton lounge-wear, versatile dresses that are appropriate for both day and night, jeans and such. The sales people just glanced and at me and continued on with their tasks- folding clothes, fixing displays, restocking the shelves with items left behind in dressing rooms- the sorts of things that are too demanding to do and greet someone at the same time. I was finally asked by a overly groomed man if I needed anything while in a quick stride- as if he knew that I did not. I would like to offer those at Neiman Marcus some sales tips.

-The best way to talk people out of money is to talk to them.
-That often people who dress comfortably do so because they are that- comfortable!
-That people who are less concerned by how others perceive their worth often have the most of it. They are worth approaching.

And a final note to think of while your sitting in traffic in your 2002 Grand Cherokee- you would make a great rent a cop, or VIP host, or one of the other professions in which they take their job's importance too seriously- they probably pay better than your current one. You, too, may then be able to purchase the items that you sell.

I walked out and went to Nordstrom where, as always, I had a pleasurable experience.

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